Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ohhhh, the pain!

Welcome to the continuing adventures of the bathroom ceiling. By working hard all day yesterday (and also because the bathroom is hobbitt-sized), I managed to not only get all of the popcorn stuff off, but also to get it sanded.

Yes, the sanding *sigh*

I started out using a Black and Decker Mega Mouse sander (my husband's), but quickly realised that that wasn't going to work, mainly because the dang thing is so heavy and hard for me to control. So I searched out my Mouse sander (muuuuuch smaller)-- would have preferred my orbital, but couldn't find it due to the wretched state of the attic (our mutually agreed-upon project for this winter)-- and that was much better. Of course, keep in mind that I was standing on a ladder the whole time with the sander over my head. I am incredibly sore today and actually had to get up in the middle of the night to take some Aleve: Kimberley = wimp :)

Today I got out the spackle and took care of some cracks in the ceiling-- nothing major, just cracks due to settling, thank goodness! I was actually pleased by the condition of the whole ceiling. You know how it is when you begin a house project: you THINK everything will be fine, but there's a little, Gollum-like voice whispering that you'll discover something horrible! ..... Um, maybe Gollum just talks to me, then? In any event, the ceiling was in great shape, and I got the cracks taken care of. Around 7pm today (yes, I started out waiting for the spackle to dry, then had to go pick up my veggies, then started talking to one of my awesome neighbors...), I started priming the walls and ceiling. There was some drippage that I'll need to sand off once it dries, but on Friday I'll apply the first (and hopefully only) coat of paint.

I'm taking tomorrow off from the bathroom project, as I've been invited to lunch at a friend's house and have convinced myself that there's no way I could get any work done and still get cleaned up in time for lunch :) I had meant to come diligently home right after and get to work, but another friend called me up and asked me to go shopping with her for her house. Now, what kind of friend would I be if I said no???

I'll leave you with this quote, which I like very much. I believe that its original context had to do with wikis, but I feel its just a good general rule of thumb: "All of us know more than one of us".

Hope your rest of the week is great!


Kimberley said...

Alison, you rock! Thanks so much for posting the recipe-- I will definitely be getting it :)

Hope you're feeling much better!

Sophie Honeysuckle said...

Bet you are exhausted-but what on earth is spackle? Sounds very sci-fi!!!

Kimberley said...

Hee,hee, Sophie :)

Spackle is the stuff you use to fill cracks in walls and ceilings. It has the consistency of thick face mask, and you use a trowel to fill in the crack. Once its dry you sand off the excess and voila! a smooth surface!

I guess it has another name in the UK-- think I remember that's where you are. ??

Sophie Honeysuckle said...

Hi Kimberley! We call it filler here in the U.K. because it fills in cracks. I prefer spackle though!!!

Kimberley said...

Yes, spackle is definitely more colorful and fun to say ;) I think that "spackle" MAY be similar to "hoover" in that it started off as a brand name and eventually came to represent all things of that general nature. Its the sort of thing that my librarian brain itches to pursue!