Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Do-nothing Days

Its 4:16 on Tuesday and I've been completely lazy yesterday and today :) I did get out yesterday and buy the much-anticipated blue paint and had a funny conversation with the Absent-Minded Hippy who works in Paint (very funny, but probably a lot to explain). I also bought groceries-- badly-needed groceries.

Note: Its a very curious phenomenon: I am the only person in our house who is imbued with the necessary mystical powers to enter a grocery store and buy food! The gods truly smiled on me when they bestowed such a rare gift ;)

Don't get me started on how nauseating I found buying pulled pork for Chris. Oh, wait, I'm already started! Much to his delight, Whole Foods installed a BBQ bar a few months ago. I try to get him a different thing each time I go, but boy howdy, does it gross me out. Everything's hot on the bar, and the smell is overpowering. Only for my sweetie would I endure such horror! (lifts hand melodramatically to brow ala Sarah Bernhardt). If none of that diatribe makes sense, maybe knowing that I'm a vegetarian helps.

But except for cooking dinner last night, that was about it. Oh, I also dropped my car off to have the tires rotated. I had fully intended to paint the fence, but the wood was still soaked. I won't complain, though, as badly as we need the rain. I can hear my buddies over in the UK groaning at the thought of RAIN! Sorry, guys, but we really do need it here in Georgia.

Today, except for installing our new Aquasana filter system , making the bed, washing some newly aquired glass insulators (thanks, Mom and Dad!), doing some laundry, and making a delicious cabbage-thingy (recipe below), I've done absolutely nothing. After all of my recent activity, it seems a little weird. I had fully intended to get the carpets out of the attic and steam-clean them, as well as paint, but somehow the whole day's gotten away from me. Ah, well, maybe tomorrow... or, if the time-warping daemon continues to plague me, maybe not even then!

Here's the recipe for the cabbage dish. Its one I modified from something I got at one of my favourite restaurants:

  • 1 small green cabbage
  • 1 small red cabbage
  • 1/2 small bag of baby carrots
  • a good handful of snowpeas, or sugarsnaps
  • rice wine vinegar
  • flax seed oil
  • sea salt


  • Chop the cabbages into medium-sized pieces (if you only want a little, use half of each cabbage. I say go ahead and use all of them, 'cause this will go fast and you'll just find yourself back in the kitchen chopping again!)
  • Chop the snowpeas/sugarsnaps-- not too small!
  • Shred the carrots
  • Combine the above ingredients in a good-sized bowl (you'll need room to mix everything together, so make sure the bowl isn't too small)
  • Pour rice wine vinegar over them (how much depends on how much you like rice wine vinegar. I advise starting out with a little and adding more, if you like)
  • Add a little bit of flax seed oil. You can of course use olive oil, but flax seed oil is better for ya!
  • Add a bit of sea salt
  • Stir everything and mix well

This salad can be eaten immediately or chilled and served cold. Its good both ways.

An absolutely fabulous cd to listen to while you're making this dish, or doing anything really, is "Hang on Little Tomato" by Pink Martini, a delightfully retro chic band with lots of talent. Give it a listen and let me know what you think.

Thanks for stopping by. Hope you've had a great day!


Curlew Country said...

Oooh a day of nothingness - how lovely! And aren't you good buying meat, very considerate.
In the days before little ones I loved it when it rained all day with the chance to do nothing. I'd light a fire, make huge pile of toast and curl up in a chair with a big book - bliss!

Chef Jules said...

Hello Kimberley! Thank you for dropping by to visit me. I'm glad you left your "footprint" so I could likewise visit you and see your enchanting home. It's a very romantic abode and your enthusiasm for every project you take on is palpable.

So nice to "meet" you!
