Sunday, July 8, 2007

We're back from Albany, GA! Congratulations to Stacy and Andrew on their marriage :)

Well, the house hob DID in fact help me find the cd with the camera drivers on it, but for some reason they're not working *frown*. So.... yet another boring, picture-less entry from me, I'm afraid. I do, however, want to share a tip. Fred over at fredsworld had asked about removing stains from linens without removing colour. I tried to leave a comment for him, but apparently all things technological are misbehaving at Tallulah House because it just wouldn't work! So, for Fred and anyone else who may be wondering: one of the most effective methods for cleaning linens without removing colours that I've found is to make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and let sit on the stain. You can also add a bit of lemon juice, but not too much. The hydrogen peroxide and baking soda combo is also good for adding to your washing machine if you're washing them there on the gentle cycle. Its also a good idea to turn your washer OFF once its agitated for a bit, and just let your linens soak for a bit.

In front yard project-related news, Lowe's finally delivered our last 60 pieces of stone for the rest of the retaining wall, huzzah! This means that we can get that finished, and then turn our focus to getting the cobblestone path finished next month. We're hoping to have everything looking amazing for our annual Halloween party!

Oh, oh, oooooooooooohhh! Raise your hands if you remember Victoria Magazine!! *memememememeeee* My mom and I LOVED this magazine to the point that its monthly arrival at our house inititated The Ritual. The Ritual involved fixing a tea tray and then sitting down together to oooh and ahhh over the beautiful pages and articles. Hearst stopped publishing "Victoria" in 2003, but legions of loyal followers never stopped hounding it, and now Hearst has sold it to the company who publishes Southern Living, who is bringing it back! The first issue will arrive in October. You may sign up for your subscription at
As soon as I found out I went to the site and ordered a subscription for me and one for my mom. I was going to let it just show up in her mailbox in October, but I am ROTTEN at keeping surprises from people so I called her and told her :) She was just as excited as I.

Other magazines that I love and have used to fill the empty space that was left when "Victoria" ceased publication:

* Country Living
* Mary Englebreight's Home Companion
* Cottage Living
* Romantic Homes

Hope that everyone enjoys the rest of their Sunday evening :)

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