Friday, September 28, 2007

I'd wear it every day, if I could...


Hi, everybody! It was another tiring and busy (but good!) week at work, and I really missed blogging. But now it's Friday! To celebrate, I decided to share pictures of this dress. No, I didn't make it. The Valaar did not imbue me with that talent, unfortunately. Rather, I found it on E-bay, source of myriad goodness!


Surprisingly to those who know me, this dress ISN'T for Halloween! Nope, it's for a wedding. In November, I'll be officiating the ceremony for our friends, Julie and Brian. I'm ordained through the Universal Life Church, and this will be the second ceremony I've performed. The first was back in June and, oddly, was also outside and I also wore black. Hmmmm... :)

Julie and Brian are into Renn faires and such (they also play MMO's, like World of Warcraft, and that's how we know them), and their wedding will have a bit of a medieval feel. I wanted to dress appropriately of course (my eagerness had NOTHING to do with the fact that I love these sorts of dresses and look lovely in them-- ha!), and when I found this one, I fell in love with it. Julie approved, and now I'm eagerly awaiting its arrival. I'm going to have to wear my tallest boots with it, and it will STILL be a bit long, but that's nothing new when you're 5 ft., 2 1/2 inches tall and refuse to take everything to the tailor :)

In other news, I found a great little glass dome at the Salvation Army shop today! I've been wanting one of these for a while, but refused to pay full price. My plan had been to etch the word "patisserie" on it, but then I decided that I would just stencil on something appropriate for Halloween and then wash it off afterwards. I need something gory to go under it, perhaps some eyeball candy and an olive fork...

Oh, last Sunday we hosted our first Sunday Night Supper, and it was a hit! We had about 15 guests, the food was delicious, and some of us played a fun game called "Apples to Apples". I meant to take pictures of the table, but wasn't feeling very well and then was too busy having fun! You'll have to take my word for it that everything looked warm and inviting, and that I was as stunning as usual ;)

When I got home today, I sat down and worked for a bit on Halloween decorations. My camera battery is charging right now, but I plan to post a few pictures tomorrow. If you need inspiration NOW, though, I suggest you hurry on over to Artsy Mama's blog and see this! I got so excited that I almost needed to reach for an inhaler-- and I don't even HAVE asthma!

Happy Friday!


tea time and roses said...

Wow Kimberley what a beautiful dress! You are ordained, my goodness we bloggers are so rich with many gifts and callings... Thank you so much for your sweet comment today on the blog... Watch your mail because you have something yummy coming pretty soon!! Oh I have not forgotten!! Have a wonderful weekend Kimberley...



stadtgarten said...

This dress is absolutely wonderful!
Have a nice weekend, Monika