Friday, October 5, 2007


bowl of fruit

Isn't that pretty? I especially like using my wooden bowl (an anniversary present from my parents last year) during the fall and winter, and having a Halloweeny cloth in it, along with apples, pears, and oranges just makes it better :)

I'm home sick today-- feel quite wretched. Chris has been sick for a few days, but I thought I was holding it off pretty well. Yesterday, though, I had to go get a massage (my left shoulder was about four inches higher than my right one, and my neck muscles were so tight that my head had been drawn back towards my shoulder, eeeek! Talk about appropriate for Halloween!), and I think that the massage therapist hit a lot of trigger points which released toxins and finally overwhelmed me. Oh, well. I guess it's better to just be sick and get over it, rather than dragging around for a week, partially sick. Right??

Here's the beginning of a Halloween tableau:

halloween pumpkins

It looks kind of sad and colourless now, but its only the beginning. I luuuuurve those white china pumpkins :) The b&w photo is one of the holographic kind that, when you move it from a different angle, transforms the subject into something horrible. I love it! It was a gift from Stacy and Andrew. Stacy said that she thought of me as soon as she saw it, to which I responded, "What does that say about me? And, hey, what does that say about you??". One thing I know that it says is that she's thoughtful and sure does know me pretty well ;)

Well, it's off to take 1000 more mg of Vitamin C, and perhaps a nap.

Hope you have a great Friday,


tea time and roses said...

Oh Kimberley, I am so sorry you are not feeling well... I hope you are all better very soon. The bowl of fruit is lovely, such beautiful rich colors and I bet they taste great too! I see you have your little pumpkins all in a row, sure is cute!
Be better soon ok...



Kimberley said...

Hi, Beverly!

Thanks for stopping by and saying "hi" :)
I think its bronchitis, grrrr. Oh, well, I am determined to enjoy my favourite month anyway!

Hope you're well,

stadtgarten said...

I hope you will be better real soon so that you can enjoy the "halloween season"!
Thanks for stopping by at my "stadtgarten".

Anonymous said...

You poor thing at least your doing the right things, rest and vit c. Hope your feeling better soon.

Kimberley said...

Hi, Monika and cd&m!

Thank you all for your good wishes. I seem to be doing a bit better now, but it's been a week now so I'm getting impatient!

Maybe this weekend I can finally knock it out!

Thanks for stopping by :)