Friday, October 12, 2007

Live at The Fox!


Yes, Chris and I saw Loreena McKennitt last night! "Magical" is probably the best word to describe her performance, and the performance of the nine other musicians with whom she wove the musical web. If you like her music and ever get the chance to see her perform live, do yourself a favour and go for it. The only way you could be disappointed is if your fellow concert-goers were annoying.

*commence rant* What is it with people? Why are they so stupid and obnoxious? Though the liner notes clearly asked people not to use any kind of recording devices (and there were signs as well), some morons right near the stage were using flash photography. Hello!! Do you not know anything about how dangerous it is to use flash photography with onstage performers? They can forget lines, at best, and fall, at worst. Also, it's just plain rude. I thought that Loreena handled it very well, though, never losing her cool. Two other things that got me were the food and people's clothes. Now, I am not a snob. People who know me well will tell you that. However. There was just something so bizarre about watching folks trundle into the beautiful Fox Theatre with their hotdogs and huge tubs of popcorn. Whaaaa-t? I'm sorry, did I get confused and this is TURNER FIELD?? As if I want to smell your disgusting hotdog while this ethereal music is trying to take me to another world! As for the clothes: I'm not saying that they have to be expensive, because the good Lord knows that mine aren't. But I was raised to believe that you should dress appropriately for the event in order to show respect for it. I mean, ok, there was nothing WRONG with the jeans and flannel shirts, but I just thought, "Hey, let's show a little respect for the performers and the theatre by dressing up a bit". I dunno, I guess I'm crazy. Chris was wearing jeans (as he does to just about everything) and he's rolling his eyes as I type this. I'm just saying. The final thing that got me was the clapping. Yes, of course, we should clap to show our enjoyment of the music. But on some of the quieter pieces, it would have been nice to have had a moment between the end of the music and the clapping in order to just let the music hang there. But no! It was as if people weren't even paying attention to the music, they were just waiting for the moment that they could begin clapping. sigh Ok, look, I'm an awful person, and a freak. I accept that about myself. *end rant*

In any event, it was a great anniversary present to ourselves (4 years on 11 October, go us!).

Hope you have a great day,
Kimberley (your resident blogosphere freak)


stadtgarten said...

As you have been at the theatre, you must feel better now I hope.
And I think you are perfectly right with what you write about clothes and food at the theatre.
Have a nice weekend, Monika

Kimberley said...

Hi, Monika and Michele!

Thanks for your support ;)

It really was interesting (disturbing?) to see how people thought it was ok to behave. I think what surprises me the most is that the Fox not only sells food, but that it allows people to bring it in the theatre. Oh, well.

Monika, thanks, yes, I am feeling better. Even if I hadn't been, I wouldn't have missed Loreena McKennitt! I've waited too long to see her live to have let a little thing like bronchitis stop me :)

Thanks to you both for stopping by,

Chef Jules said...

Belated Happy Anniversary, Kim! Your contentment is palpable and I know you and Chris will have many more happy years to come.

There *is* something nauseating about
the fusion of fast food odours and the music of Loreena (I'm a fan too!). It's just not right! I enjoyed your high spirited commentary.

I'm sending you some virtual roasted veggie soup and warm cups of tea w/ honey and a cinnamon stir stick to rid you of the remaining bronchitis. Take care, you!