Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Tallulah and I need your help!

Hi, everybody!

As my readers (and since installing the Neo Counter last week I know that there have been over 300 of you!) know, Halloween is my favourite holiday. We have a Halloween party every year and that is always cause for much preparation (which I adore).

Today I come to you with a Halloween decoration-related problem and I cast myself on your creativity! Usually at this time of year I am buying all sorts of glorious mums and pansies for my window boxes and urns. However, as some of you may know from a previous post, Atlanta is experiencing a water crisis, and I'm having a hard time justifying the purchase of plants when I'll just have to watch them thirst to death (plus, it seems frivolous, yeah?). So, here's my question:

What should I put in my window boxes? I've thought about pumpkins, which could be carved into jack-o-lanterns later and also making ghosts out of cheesecloth and sticks, but I'm not overly excited about either of those ideas. Anyone have any ideas that he/she is willing to share? Frye? Buehler??

Also, I would love to host a virtual Halloween open house here, so if you've done anything really creative and would like to share, please e-mail your photos to me and I'll put together a post that's all about you the readers and your amazing Halloween decorations :)

(For inspiration, you should see this post over at The Cottage Nest. Jen has assembled photos from all sorts of spiffy magazines that are making my little Halloween-obsessed heart go pitter-pat)

Thanks in advance for your help with my dilemma!


Jen Kershner said...

Hey, wait a minute, that's me! ha ha

I love the look of pumpkins, gourds, indian corn and natural materials in a window box this time of year. You could even get the faux ones and reuse them next year.

Kimberley said...

Thanks for stopping by, Jen, and thanks for the suggestion. I like it!


kari and kijsa said...

Great post....we just sent you an e-mail with a picture of a window idea....we'd love to know what you think1

smiles, kari and kijsa