Friday, August 10, 2007

Good morning! Giddy with the excitement of having the problem with the camera resolved, I'm posting more pics. These are of the yard project upon which Chris and I have been working for the last few months. I feel compelled to explain that there was a LOT of deferred maintenance on Tallulah that we had to catch up on and so the yard really suffered from indifference. Oh, the grass was always cut and there were flowers growing in the window boxes, but that was it.

When we first moved in there were azaleas growing everywhere. Well, Chris and I don't really like azaleas (I know, I know: its the South. We're all supposed to adore azaleas-- just call us aberrations!), so I did kind of a dumb thing. Are you ready for this?

I ripped them all out and gave them away.

Yep, without a coherent plan or any thought of how much HARD WORK preparing the beds would be I just dug up all of the azaleas, leaving a huge Pit of Doom in front of Tallulah. She must have been so ashamed! I gamely went to work out there, tilling the concrete-like soil (which I could only do for about 5 minutes at a time before I had to stop and rest), and amending the soil with Mr. Natural , and planting ALL THE WRONG THINGS.


Yes, because it was autumn by the time I got the beds ready most of the leaves had fallen and it looked really sunny there. So I chose all sun plants... and quickly had to make changes when the leaves grew back. Yes, I can be dumb that way :) A-hem. Well, enough about that. *squirms uncomfortably*

In any event, we finally got the time and resources to begin working on the yard. I convinced Chris that raised beds were the way to go, we ordered pallet-loads of stone and dumptruck loads of soil, and Chris got to work building them. My dear husband says that if we were super heroes we'd be known as Vision Woman and Detail Man because I always see exactly how things should be and he sees how to make it happen :) I call that teamwork, people!

Below are some pics of what we've accomplished over the last few months.

A shot of the yard from below. All of that dirt was necessary to build up the sloping yard.

A closer shot of the raised beds, which shows you how its constructed.

View of stonework

A view from the front porch

View from steps

A closeup of one of the beds-- we still had bald spots that needed filling

Closeup of bed

A closeup of one of the window boxes

Closeup of window boxes

A closeup of one of the urns in front of the steps

Closeup of urn

A closer view of the rose garden-- Chris has since added a set of fence rails for Bob Marley, the big lump of a rose bush near the back

Rose garden

Closeup of Bob Marley. He grew from a cutting of one of my grandmother's rosebushes... and grew... and grew

Bob Marley

Another view of the raised beds

Closer view of left bed

We're planning to add a curved cobblestone path between the two raised beds, which will lead to my car. Our goal is to do that in September-- we actually suckered some of our friends into helping us, muwahahahaha! I'll post pics of it when its finished.

Have a great day,


stadtgarten said...

Hi Kimberley, thanks a lot for visiting my blog and for giving me the "Nice Matters Award"! I was very surprised and happy!

Your yard looks already beautiful and I can see that you have put a lot of work and ideas into it.
I will visit again to see the progress.
Greetings from Germany, Monika

Kimberley said...

Hi, Monika!

You are so welcome, and so deserving of it. Your pictures of the places you've travelled, and the work you're doing in your garden are so inspiring :)

Thanks for stopping by,

Durf said...

Oh, yes, that is a beautiful, completed vision! I'd love to do something like that in front of my house. Absolutely gorgeous.

Chef Jules said...

Hi Kim! You and your husband have done an amazing job -- it's so cohesive and consistent with the charm of Tallulah. Thanks for sharing those. I'm glad your camera is fixed, as I'm looking forward to seeing your updates.

I bet you received much admiration from your neighbours, too!

Kimberley said...

Awww, thanks, y'all :)

Durf, I'd say be patient with yourself and don't fret if you can't get to everything that you want to do. This month is 4 years since we bought Tallulah and it was just in the last couple of months that we got to this stage.

Alison, most of the credit has to go to Chris as he did most of the actual labour. I helped where I could, but it mostly came down to his sherpa strength and latent engineering skills :)

Jules, thanks so much for your comment about the beds being consistent with Tallulah. That was VERY important to us, and it's nice to know that we succeeded. You are dead on about the neighbors! Poor Chris is somewhat shy, and people kept stopping to congratulate him when he was out working. It was cute to watch him deal with all of that attention *chuckles evilly*


tea time and roses said...

Hi Kimberley, what beautiful photos... Your yard is just lovely, you all have done a wonderful job... I just absolutely love all the flowers! I Cannot wait to see more pictures....

