Saturday, October 20, 2007

Slowly but surely...

Dante 1

Hail, Dante Allighieri and his poisonous treats! :)

As you can see, Frances and I got some decorating done today. I hauled home that bust of Dante from my office yesterday and added the tiny black roses to his head. Frances wrote the labels for the apothecary jars (I'd wanted some for about a year, but refused to pay the outrageous prices-- went to Big Lots yesterday for something else and bam! There they were, a whole set of them, for 1/3 the price of a single jar elsewhere! Now that's what I call a shopping victory!!), and I think that she did a smashing job! The labels read "Boo Bears", "Scary Scotties", and "Lethal Licorice".

Here are a couple more pics of this vignette:

Dante 2

Dante 3

Across from Dante and his jars of creepy goodness, we have "The Bewitching Hour", a piece I'd coveted and finally bought after Halloween last year when she went on sale:

Bewitching Hour 2

(Notice the rat? Remember my rodent army? More on that in a later post, muwahahaha!)

Bewitching Hour 1

Chris and I had a really good time last night with Stacy & Andrew, and Christopher; they came over and helped us set up the Halloween archway on the front porch, garland the bannisters, string lights, etc. They were a HUGE help, and I am so grateful to them. To repay them in a small way, I made dinner. I'm happy to report that it was a meal in which everything went absolutely correctly-- that so rarely happens to me that it's worth mentioning when it does ;)
I made them mixed grains with parmesan and herbs over green leaf lettuce, chicken pot pie (and a separate veggie pot pie for myself), carrot muffins, and an apple crisp. Everyone seemed to enjoy the meal-- I know that I did!

I have more Halloween decoration pictures to post, but I am soooo tired (Stacy & Andrew, and Chris & I went up to Burt's Farm today for the corn maze and haunted hay ride and didn't get home until 11pm-- that's way late for this girl!) so that'll have to wait.

Hope you got to do something fun today!

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