Monday, October 15, 2007

Weekend getaway

Linville Falls 1

Chris and I just got back from a weekend in the Boone/Blowing Rock area of NC, and I thought I'd share some photos. These are some shots of beautiful Linville Falls. If you look at the above photo, about 1/4 of the way from the top, you'll see some tiny dots. Those are people! That should give you some idea of the scale of the shot. Also, below, see that log in the lower part of the picture? That's a 30 ft. tall tree!

Linville Falls 3

Here are some more shots of the falls area:

(I love the geology of this area-- the rocks look exactly the way pound cake batter does when you pour it into the pan. Chef Jules, Mom, you two will understand that analogy if no one else does!)
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Linville Falls 7

Here are some shots of the Linville River:

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Here's a (poorly done) shot of Chris under the Linville Cove Viaduct. Chris was very excited to see it, as Modern Marvels featured it once and he's fascinated by its construction, etc.

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Below are a couple of shots I took from the Blue Ridge Parkway. I have to tell you about a cool program that Chris and I discovered on Gaston College Radio, called "The Good Stuff". The host "Ol' Rog", as he frequently and somewhat annoyingly refers to himself, plays all of these awesome radio broadcasts of big band music from the 30's, 40's, and 50's. It was the perfect accompaniment to our drive :) I heart college radio!

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boone2007 007

You can see just a little bit of fall colour starting-- it should be gorgeous in about two weeks. There just hasn't been enough rain to produce the colour yet. Speaking of not enough rain: we found out last week that Atlanta has about four months of water left. Wooohoooo! They're talking about rationing water, and I'm thinking about the fact that we'll need to start putting a bucket in the shower in order to flush the toilets. Good times! (Ahhh, sarcasm. My saviour in times of distress...)

We stayed at a very nice B&B, from which we could see this church tucked away on the nearby mountain. It was just a tiny speck, but we could tell that we'd like it, so we drove up there and I took these photos:

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The cemetary was small, but very interesting. Yes, we're cemetary people. When I called my parents to check on the hounds, I told my dad where we'd been that morning, and he said, "You and your cemetaries!". I like them for their gentle melancholy (I'm kind of maudlin that way), and Chris likes them for their history :)

Anyhoo, it was a great weekend. We don't get to travel in the summer, so we always like to take a weekend in October to head to the mountains.

I hope that you also had a great weekend,


tea time and roses said...

What a beautiful getaway! Your photos are just beautiful. I love all the green with a little fall mixed in... A gorgeous place to visit and relax...



Susan Henschen said...

Great shots of the mountains and river! And I heart college radio, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Awe inspiring photographs, thanks for giving us a glimpse of your trip.

Anonymous said...

The little church and cemetary look very interesting and the scenery is breattaking! ~ Lynda ♥

Kimberley said...

Thanks to everyone for stopping by! Yes, it was a really beautiful place and I am soooo thankful that we had the opportunity to get away for a little way. It's nice to enjoy our favourite season in our favourite place :)


Chef Jules said...

Kimberley I know you've been busy lately, so I'm glad you and your hubby were able to take time out for a weekend escape. Intoxicating scenery. I love geographical diversity and haven't had the opportunity to explore that region. Thank you for sharing. It makes me look forward to a future escape (possibly skiing in Banff, Alberta -- I'm a mountain kind of guy!). I did enjoy your pound cake analogy and concur!