Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Awww, shucks, ma'ams

I am truly flattered! The ever fab-u-lious Kari and Kijsa featured one of my white pumpkins on their blog :) You can see my pitiful efforts, along with their crazy pumpkin decorating talent here.

I'll be posting more pics of the white pumpkins, along with pics of Tallulah House decked out in her Halloween finery, later today as part of the Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun virtual Halloween party.



tea time and roses said...

Hi Kimberley! Oh gosh how I missed my almost daily visit to Tallulah House! Sounds like you are ready for Halloween, and I cannot wait to see your photos. Thank you for your prayers and sweet comments you left on the blog. I am feeling very good, and the city is busily trying to get back to normal. You are a sweet heart Kimberley... You and your family have a fantastic rest of the week.

Lovely thoughts to you...


Kimberley said...


It's so great to have you back at Tallulah House-- we missed you around here :)

So glad to hear that you're back to your healthy self and that the city is recovering. I will continue to send good thoughts your way.

Happy Halloween!