Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Pics of Liam being held by various people :)

This blog started out as a chronicle of my various home improvement and decorating projects. Since September, though, it has evolved (devolved?) into a showcase for photos of Liam. Cut me some slack, people, I'm a first time mama and this site is followed with fanatic adoration by various family members. They EXPECT photos of this baby, and if I want to maintain my standing in the family I must comply with their demands! So here it goes:

It was Chris's parents' turn for Christmas this year, so we headed off to Florida. Liam got to meet several family members for the first time. Here he is with his great-grandmother:

Liam and Great-Grandmother Blanche

Here he is with his great-uncle:

Liam and Great-Uncle Gene

Liam and his aunt and uncle:

Liam, Aunt Mona, and Uncle Pat

Liam and his cousin:

Liam and Jami

Liam and his mum (that'd be me-- ok, so we've definitely met before. It was such a cute picture of him, though, that I couldn't resist):

Liam and Mum

(Yes, Mom, I see the bra strap and I'M SORRY. But most of my clothes are too big now and there wasn't a lot I could do to prevent my foundation garment from presenting itself to the world ;) )

Here's one of the little man surrounded by some of his Christmas bounty:

Liam and his phat lewt

("I do not understand this strange ritual. What's in these boxes? Why is this happening??") Oh, just wait, my son. Soon it will all be very clear :)

I hope that you had a very merry Christmas! Tell me how you celebrated.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I love the photographs! I am so glad you shared them.

Xs and Os for Liam!