Thursday, November 1, 2007

The party's over...

It's time to bid Halloween a fond farewell until next year. It always makes me a little sad to pack these festive things away. It rarely feels like a chore, though, because I've spent years collecting my Halloween goodies and almost every one has a story. So, packing and unpacking them is always done in a feel-good, sentimental haze. I know, I know, this is usually how people describe Christmas ornaments, but for me it's all about Halloween, baby.

(I will confess, though, that I'm looking forward to dressing Tallulah up for Christmas-- the smell of fresh greenery is one of my favourites, and when you throw in mulberry candles, well, it's a pretty good deal all around).

I want to say a HUGE "thank you" to everyone who stopped by for the party and left a comment. Only another writer (of any sort) can truly understand how feedback is as necessary as oxygen. We're sort of like faeries: we only truly exist if you believe in us ;)

Some housekeeping details:
Several guests asked about my sorceress towels; they are from Department 56's "Halloween Krinkles" line, which is designed by Patience Brewster. I found them on Ebay.

halloween 044

Cassie of Mockingbird Hill wanted to know who made "The Bewitching Hour".

Bewitching Hour 2

I *think* that it was Dee Foust. I really like her stuff, as well as Nicole Sayre's. I'm pretty sure that Nicole Sayre made "The Queen of the Harvest":

halloween 067

Again, thanks to all who stopped and left a comment. I had so much fun visiting all of your blogs and sharing Halloween with you :) Let's do it again next year!


tea time and roses said...

Hey Kimberley, you had a Halloween good time! Your decorations were wonderful. You door and steps were so festive and I love the night time photo...just beautiful! Now it is time to put it all away, but we have Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up, two of my favorite holidays. :o)



Sadie Olive said...

I'm so sad to have missed the party! Next year I hope to make it!

Anonymous said...

Your Halloween decorations were A delight, can't wait to see the Christmas ones!

Anonymous said...

It was fun wasn't it?

Unknown said...

I can hear your "sniffs!" You did such a hog-wild job with your Halloween celebration I can imagine that there must be a little let down! I guess the beauty of this season is that Thanksgiving is in just a few weeks and Christmas will be upon us before we blink!

On my blog you mentioned: "I enjoyed your tribute to Robert Goulet :) I, too, am a Josh Groban fan (also Dean Martin and Paul Anka)."

It is amazing how many people my age don't even know who these people are! Thankfully, my Dad raised me on all the standards of the 40's, 50's, and 60's-- as well as Classical music. Also, I am looking forward to Josh Groban's new Christmas album!


Priscilla said...

I just found your blog after halloween, but iam so glad I found it, what lovley halloween photos! It makes me a little sad to take down the decor too, although i also love christmas......I will visit you again soon

Priscilla x