Monday, June 9, 2008

We interrupt the Ireland reports...

to bring you some random photos :)

Aren't these gorgeous?


Whole Foods had a most excellent deal on 2 dozen roses so I scooped them up.

Here's an aerial view:


I am so pleased to be back in my little Tallulah House, surrounded by my pets, vintage dishes, linens, and candles. I just had to have some flowers to make it all complete. Am I a shallow creature? Well, probably, but I prefer to think of myself as being "hobbit-like" :)

Speaking of pets, one of our cats has a problem with pot:


(I am very sure that I'll be getting a phone call from my mom, telling me that that joke was in poor taste. She really did try to raise me right, folks.) Don't you love that reproachful/disdainful look on her face? It's like she's saying to Chris, "Dude, will you PLEASE leave me alone? Do I go around photographing you when you're sitting around relaxing? DO I??"

Ahh, well. Next post I'm back with photos and favorite moments from Ireland.

Hope that you have a great day,


Anonymous said...

Your cat has great personality. I love the expression on her face. My cat gives me a similarly filthy look when I shoo her off the bed, or when I switch off the heater when she's busy hugging it close. I recommend planting some catnip in that empty flowerpot - it's rather like pot for cats (sorry... couldn't resist). She'll be beaming from ear to ear in no time.

Sandy said...

Beautiful roses! Love, love LOVE that cat! I sometimes get that look from my "girls" for just breathing! LOL