Friday, July 27, 2007

A successful day of junking

Yep, I said "junking". Its my mom's term for what other people call "antiquing", but she says that's WAY too fancy for what we do ;) After spending the morning playing with our dogs (her Pug and my Pekingese), we headed out to make the rounds of what our UK friends call the charity shops. And, boy howdy, did I have good luck today!

  • I found several pieces of iron, including a star like the ones that are on the ends of some old buildings. These stars supported iron rods that ran through the buildings for structural support. I've always wanted one, but the prices are always outrageously expensive, so I've never bought one. I got this one today, though, for $1.00!
  • I got two smallish cog-looking things that I think would make nice, rustic flower frogs for outside (each also $1.00), and a large round piece with a ray design around the edge ($2.00).
  • I found a couple of nice pieces in the plates section: a lovely little china sugar bowl, white, in perfect condition ($1.00), and a white, ceramic, lotus shaped container that I want for a tealight holder ($1.00).
  • I also found some brand-new napkins (two sets of eight, each for $2.00)
  • My mom found THE PERFECT tablecloth for my outdoor table-- pink and ruffledy, which is perfect for the "Farewell to Summer" party I'm planning-- for only .50. Yes, applaud her awesome bargain hunting skills!
  • I also found a large sheer curtain out of which I plan to take the seams in order to create a tent for the aforementioned party ($3.00).

As usual, I'd love to share pictures, but, also as usual, the camera/no drivers/blah, blah, blah. One of these days, though, you'll be deluged with piccies ;)

Sweet dreams!


Curlew Country said...

We haven't even said hello to summer over here - but a party to see the back of it away would cheer lots of people up I think. I may adopt this idea for our boys birthdays in August!
What great bargains! Junking is such a perfect term - I've never thought I spent enough to qualify as an antiques buyer. Our local town has a half-way house, the "collector's market" which sort of fits the bill too.

Kimberley said...

I wish that you both could come to the party! It probably won't be until September 'cause its so stinking hot here, so if you want to jet on over, let me know ;)

Steph, that was exactly my mom's logic behind the term "junking", lol.

Flea Market Queen said...

Love "junking" favorite thing to do!