Saturday, January 17, 2009

Avocado, baby!

Liam 046

Liam was 4 months old Friday before last! Here he is in his Bumpo, learning to sit up (he'd been doing what looked like crunches in an effort to sit up, and is pulling himself to a sitting position by holding onto our fingers).

Today was a fun milestone: we fed him his first solid food. I chose avocado, one of my personal favorites which is also supposed to be a good first food for babies. Here are some of his reactions:

Liam first food 3

"What? What's this, eh?"

Liam first food 2

"I suppose that this 'avocado' is tasty enough..."

(the last two photos are not that stellar because I took them with my iPhone-- sorry!)

All I can say is, it's a good thing that avocado is also good for the skin. I like to think that he got some nutrition AND a facial, all at the same time ;)

Congrats, Liam-beast, you've entered a world of culinary delight!


Jen said...

Yummy. Avocado.

Cute booties. Are they frog feet?

Kimberley said...

Hi, Jenni!

They are indeed frog feet, and get this: written across the tops (one word on each shoe) is "Flipper Slippers". lol They're really too cute for words :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Sandy said...

How cute! I can't believe how big his already. Give him a small hug and kiss for me!

Sandy said...

Uh, that's supposed to be "he is" already and not "his"... sigh.