Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hi from Ireland!

Just a quick note to say that we arrived safely in Ireland six days ago, and have been having an amazing time. I'll soon be inundating you with photos, so get ready ;)


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Let's talk baby bedding...

Hi, friends!

I've been neglecting this blog shamefully, and missing it (and you) as well :(
Between wrapping up the end of the school year, preparing for our trip to Ireland-- we leave Saturday, eeek!-- and being so blooming tired from growing a human, blogging has fallen by the wayside.

But! I hope to change all of that, and begin blogging regularly again.

Before I shamelessly grovel and ask for your help, let me catch you up on the news:

1) It's a boy! I knew it all along, and kept telling my mom and aunt to stop with the buying of everything pink, but they wouldn't listen. When Chris and I went for the ultrasound, I wasn't a bit surprised when his gender was confirmed. "He", by the way, is Liam Edward Charles. "Liam" because we're of Irish descent and like the name, "Edward" for both Chris and his dad, and "Charles" for my dad. Hey, this is likely to be our only child, so we had to pile on the names ;)

2) What have I been up to lately? Hmmm, working, sleeping, and, in a rare burst of energy, baking scones!


I usually bake scones at least once a month, but since I've been pregnant they've become somewhat of a rarity. I make darn good scones, if I do say so myself, from a recipe that I found in a book and modified to suit me. One of my secrets is the scone pan that I received as a wedding gift (and some people thought that I'd never use it, muwahahaha!). When I try to bake them on a stone, it just doesn't work that well. I plan to share my recipe, but not today-- today I need your help!

The dilemma:

Chris and I are turning my sitting room into Liam's nursery. I never got around to posting pictures of my sitting room, but it's decorated in green, white, and red. I know, I know, it sounds very Italian, but it doesn't look that way ;) It actually looks very shabby chic/cottage, which suits me down to T.

The walls are a lovely pale green Behr color, called Rejuvenate. I was going to post a swatch of it, taken from the Behr website, but it looked all wrong-- far too olive. This is more of a "spring" green. I have a white sofa (slipcovered-- I'm not THAT crazy),


with some beautiful red floral/green ticking pillows that my mom made (they match the valances that I designed and that my mom also made-- me with the sewing... not so much).

Then there's this plain bookcase from Ikea


that I filled with books, pictures, and miscellaneous treasures. There's also a dresser that I painted white and distressed, and a pine chest.

My plan is to move the furniture around a bit and put the crib in. Oh, here's the crib:


So, at last we come to my dilemma!

I want to go with chocolate coloured bedding for the crib, preferably with some pale green in it. So far, however, I've had no luck in finding it. Any ideas on where to look? A chocolate background with pale green polka dots, perhaps stripes would be nice. I also like brown toile, but that is proving EXCEEDINGLY difficult to find.

I found a chocolate crib sheet:

brown sheet

but the other things are proving elusive.

Help me, you clever, design-savvy people! Any leads that you could give me would be most appreciated.

Have a great day,